Admissions and Registration

Admissions and Registration

  • Student applications done by parents through the school’s website,, or by calling the school’s number, 0850 460 65 85, are forwarded to enrollment and admission officials. Applicant parents are then called and invited to the school to be informed about the school’s practices and education program.
  • Our school currently offers education at Kindergarten, Primary Elementary School, and Elementary Middle School levels.
  • The minimum age requirement for student for ITA Schools is 4.
  • A ‘student recognition study’ is carried out by the guidance department with the students who apply for pre-enrollment in order to evaluate their developmental qualifications. The results are then shared with the parents.
  • Registrations are taken in order of applications. In the event that there are available quotas in the primary school, students are accepted by their application order.
  • Students who graduate from our school's kindergarten and primary school have the right to directly enroll in primary and secondary school departments.
  • The age of admission for kindergarten is 4 years old.
  • Children who are 66 months old by the end of September are enrolled in the first grade of primary school. Children between the ages of 60 and 66 months, who are found to be developmentally ready for primary school in the student identification study, are also enrolled in the first grade of primary school upon the written request of their parents.
  • The dates specified in the work calendar are followed for final enrollment.

   Education Fees for the 2025-2026 Academic Year will be announced soon