While ITA Schools Kindergarten Program supports physical, mental, social, and emotional development of children, it transforms the learning process to a joyful and exciting experience by creating an environment that will enable the students to become curious, confident, honest, questioning, and tolerant individuals, who welcome changes. By its specially designed education environment and play-based activity planning, it creates opportunities for the children to have new experiences everyday and to learn by practicing, questioning and exploring.

Our academic program is based on Understanding by Design-UbD, which is a unit planning and programming approach. Themes studied in our kindergarten are parallel to the six basic fields of PYP: Who we are, Where we are in place and time, How we express ourselves, How the world works, How we organize ourselves, and How we share the planet.

Target themes are planned by the approach of “Understanding by Design.” This approach consists of three stages. In the first stage, goals of the unit are determined and the enduring understandings, knowledge and skills are planned. In the second stage, assessment and measurement tools and methods are determined and in the last stage, goal-oriented learning activities are designed. Instead of starting the planning with activities, materials and class content, this programming approach enables the teacher to focus on what the child should know, understand and do at the end of their learning process.

The education programs and activities we use are designed to make the children transfer the knowledge, skills and values they obtain throughout their education into every stage of life as well as to ensure that their self-confidence and communication skills are developed and to form an active education environment.